In our network, we are connected to the outside world with an ADSL modem. A (wireless) router is connected to this ADSL modem, which provides wireless access to 3 laptops, and a USB connection to a printer.
Then, there is a desktop (Running Win7 Pro x64), which is used as a file server/svn repos, which is connected to the network with a wire connection, through the wireless router.
What we want to do is, to disable the internet access for this desktop which we use as a file server and only allow it to communicate with the devices on our network. We'd appreciate your help.
Here's a block diagram of the situation: We want to disable internet access for the Win7 desktop, but allow all the wireless clients to still access the desktop. Is this possible?
|| DSL
|| ||
|| || ============== ============== ==============
|| || | wireless | | wireless | | wireless |
|| ============= | dhcp client| | dhcp client| | dhcp client|
|| | | ============== ============== ==============
|| | ADSL | // // //
|| | modem |
|| ||
|| =============
|| ||
|| ||
|| ============= ==============
|| | | | |
|| | router |====| Win7 |
|| | |====| desktop |
|| || ||
|| ============= ==============