I am not sure what is going on, but recently all the Office documents on our intranet get prompted a second time for login and according to the error logs it looks like it's trying to use webdav to open (an editable?) version of the document to save directly on the server? We have no sharepoint server setup or anything, but this shouldn't be happening. All I want is for the document to be saved or opened from a local copy in temp like normal.
Here is the log:
Line 57499: 2011-04-12 15:57:10 (ip) OPTIONS (address) - 443 (username) (user ip) Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601 - 401 1 1326 1525 238 0
Line 57500: 2011-04-12 15:57:10 (ip) OPTIONS (address) - 443 (username) (user ip) Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601 - 401 1 1326 1525 238 0
Line 57501: 2011-04-12 15:57:10 (ip) OPTIONS (address) - 443 (username) (user ip) Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601 - 401 1 1326 1525 238 0
The log basically contains a bunch of these.
How can I disable this behavior so that office documents that are downloaded aren't attempted to be used through webdav??
Edit: I should clarify behavior, it asks if you want to save or open it, upon choosing open open, it asks to re-authenicate, you put in the user information and the login box comes up 3 times acting like you entered the wrong password. For some users, after passing the login box the third time, it still opens up, for others their browser just locks up.
It also doesn't even look like webdav is installed on our server, I see no config options in IIS for it as outlined on this page: http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/350/installing-and-configuring-webdav-on-iis-7/#001
Internet | Protected Mode on
, we using basic auth and NTFS permissions for our intranet. I may be mis-using the term intranet, but it's just a password protected site on the web via basic auth.