Many machines i need to work with have basic NIX installation with vim as text editor. But vim's way to select text is kind of unusual to me :). Is it any easy way to re-configure vim so it will use shift in order to select text and ctrl+c / ctrl+v for copy and paste?
1 Answer
Add the following lines to your _vimrc
or .vimrc
source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
behave mswin
But beware, visual mode is then CTRL-Q instead of CTRL-V.
For an overview what mswin.vim does see the mswin.vim sourcode. It is commented very well and if some command is unclear you can easily look it up in vim's help.
Here is a quick overview compile from the source:
- backspace and cursor keys wrap to previous/next line
- CTRL-X and SHIFT-Del are Cut
- CTRL-C and CTRL-Insert are Copy
- CTRL-V and SHIFT-Insert are Paste
- Use CTRL-Q to do what CTRL-V used to do
- Use CTRL-S for saving, also in Insert mode
- CTRL-Z is Undo; not in cmdline though
- CTRL-Y is Redo (although not repeat); not in cmdline though
- Alt-Space is System menu
- CTRL-A is Select all
- CTRL-Tab is Next window
- CTRL-F4 is Close window
Thanks, that partially works. But on some platforms ctrl+v still don't insert - it just draws a blue '^' O_O. Commented Jun 18, 2009 at 10:57
@Eye of Hell: This is the expected behaviour if mswin.vim is not active, but it's difficult to say why without further information. Commented Jun 18, 2009 at 11:26
The source link is broken; here's where I found it: . Hopefully the same file.– BiGYaNCommented Jul 26, 2016 at 18:11