I am using DNS round robin load balancing and have divided my total traffic onto multiple servers. Each server does around 300-400req/second but I am interested in having an aggregate graph telling me the TOTAL of all requests per second served by our architecture.
Is there any way I can do this. Right now each graph in Munin comes as a separate graph as they depict things on one server.
I am using configuration as follow which doesn't work
doesnt work for me, does this configuration got errors?
update no
requests.graph_title nGinx requests
requests.graph_vlabel nGinx requests per second
requests.draw LINE2
requests.graph_args --base 1000
requests.graph_category nginx
requests.label req/sec
requests.type DERIVE
requests.min 0
requests.graph_order output
requests.output.sum \
lb1.visualwebsiteoptimizer.com:nginx_request_lb1.visualwebsiteoptimizer.com_request.request \
lb3.visualwebsiteoptimizer.com:nginx_request_lb2.visualwebsiteoptimizer.com_request.request \