I am using DNS round robin load balancing and have divided my total traffic onto multiple servers. Each server does around 300-400req/second but I am interested in having an aggregate graph telling me the TOTAL of all requests per second served by our architecture.

Is there any way I can do this. Right now each graph in Munin comes as a separate graph as they depict things on one server.

I am using configuration as follow which doesn't work

doesnt work for me, does this configuration got errors?

  update no
  requests.graph_title nGinx requests
  requests.graph_vlabel nGinx requests per second
  requests.draw LINE2
  requests.graph_args --base 1000
  requests.graph_category nginx
  requests.label req/sec
  requests.type DERIVE
  requests.min 0
  requests.graph_order output
  requests.output.sum \
    lb1.visualwebsiteoptimizer.com:nginx_request_lb1.visualwebsiteoptimizer.com_request.request \
    lb3.visualwebsiteoptimizer.com:nginx_request_lb2.visualwebsiteoptimizer.com_request.request \

3 Answers 3


There is a way look:

  update no
  uptime.graph_title Uptimes
  uptime.graph_vlabel uptime in days
  uptime.draw LINE2
  uptime.graph_order \
    host1=host1.ppke.hu:uptime.uptime \
    host2=host2.ppke.hu:uptime.uptime \
    host3=host3.ppke.hu:uptime.uptime \
  uptime.graph_category system

I think you get the idea.

Later I replaced my munin monitoring with a more complete solution....

  • doesnt work for me, does this configuration got errors? Commented Jun 25, 2011 at 21:32
  • 1
    What did you replace it with? Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 12:08

Yes, you can build aggregate graphs.

Here's the how-to on the Munin site.

Basically, you create a fake node in your munin.conf, and the describe the sources, but it's easier to read the link than explain.


Munin is extremely picky about hostnames and groups. In your example replace TRAFFIC.AGGREGATED with something like <mydomain>;Totals

For example, check this answer from btm.geek: http://blog.loftninjas.org/2010/04/08/an-evening-with-munin-graph-aggregation/

update no

dload.graph_title 2xload
dload.double.stack one=localhost.localdomain:load.load two=localhost.localdomain:load.load

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