I am attempting to create automatic subdomains using Apache 2 (running on a Ubuntu box)

I have used the VirtualDocumentRoot directive to do the initial declaring of the document root, with the following in my virtual host file:

<VirtualHost *:80>
VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/dev/branches/%1/public/
ServerAlias *.dev.example.com
<Directory />
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

This works well for the first part, so a request to foo.dev.example.com has a document root of /var/www/dev/branches/foo/public, which is great.

The problem

Alas, the *.htaccess file I have in the public folders doesn't seem to be working.

All requests should be sent through index.php in the public folder, as the .htaccess file shows:

Options -Indexes
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine on  
  # redirects requests to index.php where no file or directory exists
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteRule .* index.php

A request to foo.dev.example.com works, but a request to foo.dev.example.com/subdir fails.



I have an error log that shows this is a mod_rewrite problem:

[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [error] [client] Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace.
[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [debug] core.c(3063): [client] r->uri = /var/www/dev/branches/amy/public/index.php
[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /var/www/dev/branches/amy/public/index.php
[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /var/www/dev/branches/amy/public/index.php
[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /var/www/dev/branches/amy/public/index.php
[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /var/www/dev/branches/amy/public/index.php
[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /var/www/dev/branches/amy/public/index.php
[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /var/www/dev/branches/amy/public/index.php
[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /var/www/dev/branches/amy/public/index.php
[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /var/www/dev/branches/amy/public/index.php
[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /var/www/dev/branches/amy/public/index.php
[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /user/login
[Thu Aug 04 14:05:45 2011] [debug] mod_deflate.c(615): [client] Zlib: Compressed 630 to 389 : URL /var/www/dev/branches/amy/public/index.php

1 Answer 1


You can get this more or less working using these rules:

Options -Indexes
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [L]

The only problem with this is, if there is a default index page in one of the directories, it can only be accessed directly, http://domain.tld/subdir/index.php Just using http://domain.tld/subdir/ would rewrite it to http://domain.tld/index.php

  • Thanks derchris, but this gave the exact same redirection errors in Apache. Aug 4, 2011 at 14:14
  • I tested it on mine, and worked
    – derchris
    Aug 4, 2011 at 17:36

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