I feel quite silly, since robocopy is server administration 101; but I seem to be having a problem listing files.
I desire to list all files over 10MB in size in the directory and subdirectory.
According to docs, this is what should work:
robocopy c:\ /min:10485760 /s /l /fp /tee /log:c:\robocopy.log /njh /njs /ndl
But when I run it, an error is returned "No Destination Directory Specified," which I think isn't needed if you are using the list (/L) option.
Also, if I include the same directory as the destination like so:
robocopy c:\ c:\ /min:10485760 /s /l /fp /tee /log:c:\robocopy.log /njh /njs /ndl
Nothing is returned; but if I drop the no directory list (/ndl), I see a list of all directories.
So my question is: How do I use robocopy to list files over 10MB in a directory tree structure, and just that?