Is it possible to set an arbitrary path within a tar archive to place files which may not exist on your original filesystem? This differs from the -C switch in that I may want to take a back up of /etc/, but place it in the archive as /configurations/etc/.
2 Answers
In GNU tar, --transform
) is the option to make file name transformations. Documentation and examples can be found here
I would have seen this had I read man tar on my system rather than on!! Thanks for the answer, regex is even better than I'd hoped for. Commented Sep 13, 2011 at 18:53
2@andyorlieb, thanks for the input on "--xform" not working on your system, but please do not change the content of people's answers unless you have a definitive reference to back it up. Thank you.– Chris SCommented Sep 13, 2011 at 20:24
Mentioned documentation goes to great length to explain
at extract time, yet says nothing about add time (which is the actual question asked). Commented Jan 12, 2018 at 17:56
In BSD tar, -s pattern
is the option to make name transformations. Quoting from documentation:
-s pattern
Modify file or archive member names according to pattern. The
pattern has the format /old/new/[ghHprRsS] where old is a basic
regular expression, new is the replacement string of the matched
part, and the optional trailing letters modify how the replace-
ment is handled. If old is not matched, the pattern is skipped.
Within new, ~ is substituted with the match, \1 to \9 with the
content of the corresponding captured group. The optional trail-
ing g specifies that matching should continue after the matched
part and stop on the first unmatched pattern. The optional
trailing s specifies that the pattern applies to the value of
symbolic links. The optional trailing p specifies that after a
successful substitution the original path name and the new path
name should be printed to standard error. Optional trailing H,
R, or S characters suppress substitutions for hardlink targets,
regular filenames, or symlink targets, respectively. Optional
trailing h, r, or s characters enable substitutions for hardlink
targets, regular filenames, or symlink targets, respectively.
The default is hrs which applies substitutions to all names. In
particular, it is never necessary to specify h, r, or s.
option does that, but don't have time to write up a whole answer right now.-s
is short for--preserve-order
and thus off-topic. here