I've gotten quite used to typing compmgnt.msc
or similar commands to bring up certain dialogs faster than it would take me to navigate to them. For this one in particular I just tap Start
then r
. There's others I use too, but I wish there were a centralized compendium of commands for the like this for the command line or run...
field. At least for Windows Sever 2003. And it certainly would be nice if it were a brief but complete description in the table/list that was searchable or filterable.
Has anyone seen a list like this that you could link to in your answer? Perhaps with a sample in the answer of what it would describe compmgngt.msc
as for find
(Aside (not part of the question) by find
I mean whatever you use to jump through a long webpage. For me it's Control-F, but I'm trying not to exclude people who'd use F3 or '/' or Alt-E-F or any method not called find
etc etc. depending on your browser.)