I need to connect a Win2008 R2 server to a iSCSI target and I'm supposed to use a CHAP user name that is different from the initiator name.

Technet says:

By default, the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator service uses the initiator node name as the CHAP username. You can override this action by passing a CHAP username to the login request.

Now my question is: How and where can I override this? At least using the GUI, I couldn't find a way to specify a CHAP user name.

1 Answer 1


When connecting to the target you have to select the "Advanced" button and then specify the name under the "Enable CHAP" log on" options.

  • 1
    Thank you very much, pretty obvious now, argh! However it still didn't work this way, for whatever reason. It finally worked using the command-line tool: iscsicli QAddTargetPortal IP user password, the rest I could do successfully via the GUI. Feb 20, 2012 at 15:43
  • Glad you got it figured out.
    – joeqwerty
    Feb 20, 2012 at 16:48

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