I often want to ssh into a different server, but retain my working directory. (All our servers have the same NFS and thus the same directory path usually exists on all servers.) Is it possible to do this?
4 Answers
I personally don't like to alias ssh
The fewest number of characters I found to do the job is :
ssh user@hostname -t "cd $PWD;bash"
If the remote server has been preconfigured (in sshd_config) with
And you include
as the last line in the remote servers' ~/.bashrc, you can connect with
CURRENT_DIR="$PWD" ssh user@host -o SendEnv=CURRENT_DIR
It's a workaround, but it'll...work.
I found a nice solution on superuser.com which is much like @adaptr's solution but without manually setting the environment variable.
By creating an alias for ssh
you can set that variable automatically:
alias ssh='env SSH_PWD="$PWD" /bin/ssh'
Configure ssh in ~/.ssh/config
to send the SSH_PWD
For a single host add this:
Host myhost
Or for all hosts add this to the bottom of the file:
And on the remote server in your .profile
or .bashrc
if [ -n "$SSH_PWD" ] && [ -d "$SSH_PWD" ]; then
cd "$SSH_PWD"
unset SSH_PWD
If you can't change the remote servers's configuration and use key-based SSH logins with an ssh-agent
(thus sparing you to have to enter your password or key passphrase every time), another hackish approach:
On your local machine, create a wrapper script which is in your path (eg. /usr/local/bin/cdssh
TMPFILE="/tmp/$(basename $0).$$.tmp"
echo "cd `pwd`" > $TMPFILE
scp -q $TMPFILE $1:~/.cwdfile
ssh $@
On the remote machine, add the following part to your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.profile
if [ -f ~/.cwdfile ]; then
cd ~/.cwdfile
rm ~/.cwdfile
Obviously, this is a wild hack, but it works.