You can also do this in reverse and is maybe easier.
Supposing you have an ssh session opened with the machine you want to send the file to. This farthest-hop PC, we'll call this hop2. Your "proxy" host will be hop1. The PC that is file-origin, we'll call that origin.
origin:~/asdf.txt --> hop1 --> hop2:~/asdf.txt
You can build tunnels making a local port available on a remote PC. We're thereby defining a port to open on the remote PC, which will be a redirect to the port you pulled over with you when you built the tunnel.
On hop2:
ssh -R 5555: <hop1_user>@<hop1_IP>
#this has the effect of building a tunnel from hop2 to hop1, making hop2's port 22 available on hop1 as port 5555
Now in that opened tunnel session, you can do the same from hop1 to file_origin.
On hop1:
ssh -R 6666: <origin_user>@<origin_IP>
#this has the effect of building a tunnel from hop1 to origin while also pulling the active tunnel with it, making hop1's port 5555 (hop2's port 22) available on origin as port 6666.
You are now tunneled from hop2 to hop1 to origin. Coincidentally, now both port 5555 and 6666 are open on origin, which are redirects to hop2's port 22. Within this session, both of the following are valid scp routes to hop2:
On origin:
scp -P 6666 ~/asdf.txt <hop2_user>@<>:~/asdf.txt
In this way, you can have some arbitrary number of hops in between, and it's easier to work with in terms of chaining together more than two hops.