I'm trying to enable e-mail alerts for an operator in SQL Server (2000). When I try to test the e-mail, I get the following message:

  • Error 22022: SQLServerAgent Error: The SQLServerAgent mail session is not running; check the mail profile and/or the SQLServerAgent service startup account in the SQLServerAgent Properties dialog.

When I open [Server].Management.[SQL Server Agent] in Enterprise Manager, The only option that seems at all relevant is the "Mail Session" section; but the "Mail Profile" field (and everything else in the box) has been grayed out.

How do I get those fields enabled?

2 Answers 2


You need to install Outlook on the server, log on as the account you use to run SQL server under and configure Outlook.

See also, KB311231.


Right-click on the server, click on Properties, then verify that your mail profile shows up on the Server Settings tab.

More info here: http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/10894_3345091_4/SQL-MAIL-and-SQL-Agent-Mail-using-POP3-and-SMTP.htm

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