I'm planning on building a file server for my home network, and I want to know what I should look out for in building the machine. I was thinking of just building a crappy linux box with a slew of terrabyte hard drives and setting up a samba share. This is a naive setup, but is there more I could do with the machine?
What sort of drives should I purchase? Are fast drives (15+k rpm) worth the cost, over more, slower drives? What kind of case should I look for to optimize air flow and hold the most drive bays? I know I need a server case, but is there something else to look for? Do any server cases come with the easy-slide-in mounts that dell provides? I love those mounts, and with many drives, they could be crucial.
Also, would it be worth upgrading to a 1Gb router to facilitate file transfer? The standard file size for transfer will be anywhere from 700MB-4GB.
With such a big machine (lots of HDs), how do I keep the server relatively quiet? Solid state drives seem cost prohibitive for the space I desire, so what should I do?
Is ext4 the way to go?