I would like to get
large file over sftp. I execute following commands:
kopparberg:dev marek$ sftp -P 678 marek@server
marek@server's password:
Connected to server.
sftp> cd backup
sftp> get database.gz /Volumes/www/backup/
Fetching /backup/database.gz to /Volumes/www/backup/database.gz
9% 44MB 1.4MB/s 05:06 ETA
Because it follows some more commands, I decided to write a bash script and I put sftp commands in batchfile.
Bash file looks like this:
#get backup file
sftp -P 678 -o "BatchMode no" -b batchfile.sftp marek@server
#following commands
In bacthfile.sftp are just three steps:
cd backup
get database.gz /Volumes/www/backup/
The problem is that I do not see progress when I run the bash file. Is there any rational explanation behind?