I have a Debian Linux 6.0 server with webmin/usermin running Apache & ProFtp

I need my default domain ftp user to access all the files under public_html directory except CMS folder.

I want to give web designer full access for layout, SEO optimisation etc, but not physical access on my CMS folder.

I have tried to restrict directory using chmod 770. This done the job but also denied http access on this directory from my browser.

My question is :

  1. is this the right method? (I also read about using <directory> settings on proFtp configuration files)
  2. Can I use chmod 770 and add somehow apache/www user to access all the content inside cms?

1 Answer 1


what I would do then is

in the proftpd.conf use the HideNoAccess directive


if you want to hide it from everybody

<Directory ~/public_html/cms>
  HideNoAccess on

will make it so that directory is hidden for everybody, or if you only want it for a single user, you can put the full path to the directory in there, and it will hide/block access to it.


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