I recently purchased a new Cisco 881W and I am trying to connect to setup the initial configuration. The last time I did this about three years ago I connected over a serial link to the console port, but I no longer have a computer with a legacy serial port available and I really can't wait for a serial to USB converter to come in the mail.
So, I tried to connect using Cisco CP Express. I got as far as the CP Express splash screen popup with a message that says "Loading Cisco CP Express... Please wait." But then another poup appears that says
Cisco CP Express Application could not be launched. If CP Express is lanuched using https try the following steps and relanuch CP Express. 1. Disable TLS option in JRE Settings. Please close all Cisco CP Express windows before proceeding.
Needless to say, I've tried diabling TLS... and I wasn't using https anyway. Is it possible to debug connecting to CP Express?
and I really can't wait for a serial to USB converter to come in the mail.
You don't live near a Microcenter or a Fry's or the like you can drive to and buy one from?