I was working under LAMP stack on my laptop an decided to use nginx in place of apache2 (LEMP)

Installed nginx, php5-fpm and fast-cgi without removing any thing from LAMP stack

Stopped apache2 and started nginx trying localhost (shows server not found)

Means nginx didn't install successfully and i found that the folder

/etc/php5/{apache2 cgi cli conf.d fpm}

so which folder is unneeded especially (cgi cli fpm) and what configuration needed ?

-when restarting nginx I got that messgae: Restarting nginx: nginx: [emerg] "fastcgi_pass" directive is duplicate in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default~:70 nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

1 Answer 1




is the give away.. chances are the editor you used makes a backup and appends ~ to the end. Nginx will load everything in the sites-enabled directory so it's loading default and default~ which are probably the same.



Then a start should work

  • thanks it work but localhot shows forbidden and 500 internal server error for localhost/site Commented Jun 13, 2013 at 8:32

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