I have a server (linux base) in which i installed dotcms and it runs on port 80 and openssl is on port 443. both are started in running process. Recently i installed apache on my server. and when i started apache it stuck because default ssl port on apache is 443 and apache is 80, both of them are already running. Just for my task i started only apache without ssl on port 90. but i want to start ssl with apache as well obviously on different port. Is is possible to bind apache ssl with same openssl?
I need my default dotcms in running process i can't stop it in any case, i can only restart my dotcms service if apache start required. but i need dotcms and apache to run both parallel.
see image on that link (because of less reputation i could not upload image) http://developers89.byethost14.com/images/ssl.png