If I use for example:

mysqlcheck syscp --silent --auto-repair

I still get the note:

note : The storage engine for the table doesn't support check

this is strange, cause in the manpage it sais:

--silent, -s
Silent mode. Print only error messages.

It seems, --silent only suppresses OK-messages.

How can I suppress notes and warnings too, so I really get only errors?

maybe parse the output with grep?


2 Answers 2


Looks like a known bug for some years now, without any progress:


[23 Sep 2009 11:23] Shane Bester

Description: mysqlcheck has the --silent option which is not silent enough. It prints out warnings and notes still:

"-s, --silent Print only error messages."

shell>./mysqlcheck test --check --silent test.t1 note : The storage engine for the table doesn't support check test.t2 warning : Found row where the auto_increment column has the value 0

How to repeat: drop table if exists t2,t1; create table t1(a int)engine=memory; create table t2(a int auto_increment primary key)engine=myisam; insert into t2 values (1); update t2 set a=0;

mysqlcheck test -uroot --check --silent

Suggested fix: don't print out warnings and notes when operating in silent mode.

[23 Sep 2009 11:49] Valeriy Kravchuk

Thank you for the problem report. Verified just as described.

You'll need to find another workaround, like you are stating with the grep suppression. Is the output that bad to look at or are you wanting a way to pull the errors out and do something with them?


We cant.It's a bug. It will print warnings and notes in silent mode also. Please check this mysql bug. Mysql bug

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