Any recommendations for a book about building and running high performance, high-availability web sites on Linux?


7 Answers 7


Theo Schlossnagle has a book called Scalable Internet Architectures which is excellent.

There's a list on highscalability.com here http://highscalability.com/book-store


Two of my favorites:

  • Building Scalable Web Sites - Cal Henderson
  • The Art of Capacity Planning: Scaling Web Resources - John Allspaw
  • 1
    +1 for Cal Henderson's book as the best introduction / 'overview of what you need to know' book. You can then later deep-dive into specific technologies as needed. We should also mention highscalability.com as the primary news aggregator in this area.
    – user2874
    Commented Aug 23, 2009 at 15:30

Depending on what db you use I would highly recommend "High Performance MySQL" if you go with MySQL.


use static html files or dynamic files that are heavily cached.

Install the following extensions for Firefox:

Firebug: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1843

Yslow: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5369

Page Speed: http://code.google.com/speed/page-speed/download.html

Yslow and Page speed will rate your current site, and tell you where your site needs improvement.


A lot of useful articles about high perfomance websites you can find at http://webo.name/articles/


Enterprise Rails is a great resource for this and definitely goes beyond the scope of the title of the book.


Building Scalable Web Sites (by Cal Henderson) and The Art of Capacity Planning (by John Allspaw) are two of my favourites.

Nowadays, I'm waiting for the long awaited "Web Operations - Keeping the Data on Time", by John Allspaw and Jesse Robbins, which will be released in June.

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