I am using CentOS 6 and I updated PHP using the Remi Repository. I would like to use yum in order to know what is the latest version available in the official CentOS repos. I tried issuing the following command:

yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=base,update info php

but I get

Version: [current installed version]
Repo: installed
From repo: remi

It seems that since the package is already installed I can't get this information. Is there any way to use yum to check that?


1 Answer 1


You want to use the --showduplicates option, which is a somewhat confusing name but from yum's POV the available package is a duplicate of the installed one.

Also note that for recent versions of yum you can do:

yum repo-pkgs <repo> list foo

...which is somewhat easier.

  • Thanks. It is --showduplicates in my yum vresion though.
    – Ruben
    Jan 17, 2014 at 18:22
  • 1
    Yeh, sorry, it got fixed so that both work in newer versions but the one without the dash works "forever". Jan 17, 2014 at 18:32

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