I have local AD and AD on azure and I have ADFS and ADFS proxy server setup to authenticate users on local AD. I have followed all the steps on microsoft site to setup trust between Azure AD and local AD. However it says Dir Sync is necessary in order to achieve SSO for users in local and cloud AD. I don't want to use Dir Sync and I want my ADFS to be able to authenticate users from my local AD and Azure AD as well.

Can anybody let me know the steps in order to achieve it.

3 Answers 3


Assuming this is for O365 or Intune - DirSync is a required component. DirSync will allow same sign-on, meaning the passwords are the same in both environments. Adding ADFS will allow single sign-on, meaning users will seamlessly authenticate without being prompted for credentials. DirSync is a foundational component for both same sign-on and single sign-on.

You can't do single sign-on to an Azure AD tenant with ADFS alone.

  • actually MDMarra that isn't strictly true. You can use Windows Azure AD Powershell module and set the immutableID directly on objects without dirsync and still get SSO. This is what some customers using O365 without an on-premise AD (Unix/Linux based infrastructures in Universities) do.
    – maweeras
    Jan 16, 2014 at 22:35

I had the same question and the comment from maweeras put me on the right track. I did a little reasearch, got it working, and here is what worked for me.

Not sure this is the "supported" solution, because they really seem to like their DirSync. However, it makes sense it's supported for the reason maweeras mentioned - namely allowing non Active Directory infrastructure to still have SSO into Office 365.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Why do you want to go through these gyrations, anyway? Jan 27, 2014 at 23:08
  • Probably not for everyone. But in our case we just wanted to test SSO for a small subset of users and we didn't wanna dedicate a machine to running DirSync.
    – Matt
    Feb 4, 2014 at 18:39
  • Seems reasonable. DirSync will run on a non-dedicated machine (and a DC, at that). I do admire your ingenuity for coming up with a way to do this on the "bare metal" of the Azure AD w/ the MSOL Powershell module. Feb 4, 2014 at 20:37

Does this help at all? http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn296436.aspx

It has been a while since I have done what you are asking, but that was in my notes.

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