Okay, i know that the built in SMTP server role inside Server 2008 is a little beleaguered; however, using resources here (stackex) and from msft I've worked through the issues I've been able to identify (SMTP wasnt generating logs, error message when looking at the current session view, IIS 6 compatability module, etc.) except for this last one (I hope):
When dropping email into the pickup directory, the SMTP service grabs it and moves it to the Queue directory where it sits for long periods of time (days? I dunno how long exactly since i kind of had my attention pulled elsewhere and then just noticed this morning that the mail items had finally be moved) before getting sent to the Badmail directory.
Weird thing 1: i have successfully sent mail using SSMS Database mail. Weird thing 2: i have successfully sent mail by logging into another intranet SMTP server via telnet and pounding out the fields (from, to, subject, body, etc.)
I'm guessing there is something I'm just overlooking with regard to relationship between my SMTP server and the intranet SMTP relays.
While not a novice, I'm admittedly more of a DB guy which is why I want this working, so that I can get SSRS to publish report subscriptions to various coworkers via email as opposed to having to create creds and making them login to retrieve the various reports.
Can anyone provide some insight?