I have setup a backup server with centos 6, and everything is working fine. I am using pure-ftpd for ftp server, and I can upload and download files to server and from.
Problem occurs when I try to send one big file from other server to this backup server. The transfer is working, if the files are less then 800mb~1000mb, but if I try to upload bigger file it hangs up while transferring. I dont get any error message, it just stops and I notice when putty show me error timeout message, or if I login to backup server and see that upload has been stopped.
I have tried to upload from that other server same file to third server and it was ok, but when I try to upload it to my backup server it hangs up. There is no pattern when will it stop, sometimes it is on 0.9GB, 1.2GB, 1.5GB, 1.8GB. The file size is 2.2GB.
File is compressed and it is tar.gz.
I have changed 3 lan cables, one was supplied by internet provider but still same problem. Router is Cisco epc3925.
I have tried with several lan cards, then changed computer, and finally used brand new computer with fresh install centos 6 today but still same problem.
If i try uploading files that are less than 800 mb, the process finishes successfully.
Also I have created file of 3GB on backup server, and then tried to upload it connecting via ftp localhost and it was successful.
I have connected from other computer in same network via ftp and have successfully uploaded file of 4GB with total commander, but I need to upload from computer which is not in this network.
I need to add that I have tried to transfer same file via sftp and scp and it was successful, but it was 4 times slower then ftp.
When I check network connection while uploading I got this results
tcp 1 75921 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 1736/pure-ftpd (UPL tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 1736/pure-ftpd (UPL tcp 0 196 ESTABLISHED 1696/sshd
This are results while staling
tcp 1 75921 CLOSING -
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 1696/sshd
Please help, I have read everything I could find, and I dont know what else to do.
Slowdowns and lags
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