I have a powershell script that check the certificate store for expiring certificates. It will display these results within the CLI. I want to modify this script to email the results of the output in the body of the email. I know how to send an email through PowerShell using the send-mailmessage CmdLet but I am uncertain how to take the results of the script and send it in an email...
Here is the script:
function WriteCertInfo($cert)
#just a lot of code to get the fields into an object
$certObj = "" | Select RequesterName,RequestType,ExpirationDate,CommonName,EnrollmentFlags
$RequesterName=$cert -match "Requester Name:.*Request Type:"
$startLength="Requester Name:".Length
$lineLength=$matches[0].Length -("Request Type:".Length + $startLength)
$RequestType=$cert -match "Request Type:.*Certificate Expiration Date:"
$startLength="Request Type:".Length
$lineLength=$matches[0].Length - ("Certificate Expiration Date:".Length + $startLength)
$ExpirationDate = $cert -match "Certificate Expiration Date:.*Issued Common Name:"
$startLength="Certificate Expiration Date:".Length
$lineLength=$matches[0].Length - ("Issued Common Name:".Length + $startLength)
$IssuedCommonName= $cert -match "Issued Common Name:.*Template Enrollment Flags:"
$startLength="Issued Common Name:".Length
$lineLength=$matches[0].Length - ("Template Enrollment Flags:".Length + $startLength)
$EnrollmentFlags= $cert -match "Template Enrollment Flags:.*"
$startLength="Template Enrollment Flags:".Length
$lineLength=$matches[0].Length - ($startLength)
if(($OutEnrollmentFlags -match "CT_FLAG_AUTO_ENROLLMENT") -eq $false)
$tester=certutil -view -restrict "NotAfter>=$today,NotAfter<=$endperiod" -out
$arr=$tester -match "Row \d*:"
$line=[string]::join(" ",$tester)
for($certNo=0;$certNo -lt $numberOfCerts;$certNo=$certNo+1)
if($certNo -ne ($numberOfCerts-1))
$r2="Maximum Row Index"
$isFound=$line -match "$r1 .* $r2"
$NumberOfChars=$matches[0].Length - $r2.Length
-Body "$variable"
parameter... Have you tried that?$CertToList
variable, is that right?