To avoid having to parse X-Forwarded-For in Varnish, I'm trying to just set a header on the SSL terminator (currently Apache) that stores the direct client IP in a header.

On our development machine, this works:

RequestHeader set X-Foo %{REMOTE_ADDR}e

However, in staging it doesn't. Specifically, the header is empty, as illustrated by both varnishlog:

13 TxHeader     b X-Foo: (null)

(On the development machine, this shows the IP address as expected.)

Similarly, logging REMOTE_ADDR shows that it only appears to be populated on the dev machine:

# Config
LogFormat "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %{REMOTE_ADDR}e" combined
CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/access_log" combined

# Log file, staging
<my ip> -

# Log file, development
<my ip> <my ip>

Since the dev machine is, well, a dev machine, it is different in a number of ways; however, I can't track down which difference is causing this. The versions of Apache are the same (2.2.22), and I don't see anything relevant in any of the standard config files or /etc/sysconfig/httpd. And the rest of the system is reasonably similar, since they're built off the same CentOS 5 base image.

I can't even tell from the Apache documentation whether REMOTE_ADDR is expected to exist or not as an environment variable, but it clearly works on one machine, whether by fluke or design, and the inconsistency is driving me mad.

  • Browser dependent behavior? Underlying http client implementation?
    – mdpc
    Aug 22, 2014 at 20:36
  • hmmm not sure but can you check if mod_setenvif is enabled on both servers ?
    – krisFR
    Aug 22, 2014 at 20:42
  • Using the same clients (Chrome and httpie) to check. The setenvif_module is statically compiled in, as reported by httpd -t -D DUMP_MODULES. Aug 22, 2014 at 21:09
  • what about mod_headers? Are you certain that REMOTE_ADDR is empty, that shouldn't be a case, it's more probable that headers are not set correctly. Aug 22, 2014 at 22:26

2 Answers 2


Looking through the sources, REMOTE_ADDR is set only for these handlers that come with the server itself: mod_proxy_scgi, mod_ext_filter, mod_include, mod_isapi, mod_cgid, and mod_cgi (only they call ap_add_common_vars) so somehow one of these handlers is getting called before mod_headers or mod_log_config on your dev box but not on the staging box. (You may have other handlers.)

In less technical speak, from the doc you reference it says the same thing:

In addition to all environment variables set within the Apache configuration and passed from the shell, CGI scripts and SSI pages (emphasis mine) are provided with a set of environment variables containing meta-information about the request as required by the CGI specification.

  • Ah, I see; thanks. I dug a bit more into it, but when I found myself writing an Apache module solely for the purpose of calling ap_add_common_vars, I took a step back and decided I was better off just parsing X-Forwarded-For in Varnish. Aug 25, 2014 at 20:11

If you use mod_ssl use 's' to get value of a variable (working on apache 2.4). This is an example to set X-Forwarded-For header to REMOTE_ADDR.

RequestHeader setifempty x-forwarded-for %{REMOTE_ADDR}s

More info about mod_headers.

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