Your question seems to be a lot more complicated than you think. You may want to do some further research.
You haven't stated what you will be running on these thin clients, different software has different requirements for both bandwidth and latency. Some require low latency, others require high bandwidth, other still require both low latency on high bandwidth. Some software uses very little bandwidth and is usable with substantial latencies, while other software will become completely unusable with the slightest latency, or create massive bandwidth demands bogging down high-end generic networks with as few as 10 clients.
They also aren't as you would expect, for instance a stock Firefox install running server-side can eat through bandwidth like no tomarrow, but can be modified to dramatically reduce it's bandwidth requirment with only minor noticable difference. Meanwhile, a stock LibreOffice install doing graphic layout work will actually not use too much bandwidth at all. However, Maya and Blender are even worse than Firefox, demanding massive requirements from their servers and requiring incredibly high bandwidth and low latency unless you are using a specialize solution for such programs.
Depending on the exact demand, different server hierarchy and network layouts are ideal.
You really can't simply state the number of clients and expect anyone to give you a solid estimate on what sort requirements you need. If anyone not familiar with your software needs gave you an estimate, I would either anticipate that they think you are running what they see as a "typical setup" or they are just giving you the needs for a setup that will support any setup of that size, which will likely be grossly overpowered for your needs.
All I can tell you for sure is that for what you are proposing, which is a very large network of thin clients relying on a centralized host server setup (either cluster, NUMA or extremely high-powered monolithic) require a very specialized setup, and getting the exact hardware and optimized setup you need you is going to save you a lot of money on hardware you don't need to make up for inadequacies.
You really need someone willing to work with you one on one to go through each available solution, and you need to keep an open mind on getting a custom solution. Due to the scale of the project, you don't want a cookie cutter solution. A cookie cutter solution will give you massive headaches and inflate hardware demands. The extra consulting costs of a custom solution will pay off many times in saved expenses, especially down the road if expansion and upgrades are necessary.
I wish I could tell you more, but I can't without more knowledge of your situation.