Is there a way to use Windows Perfmon to monitor available space on a (mounted) SMB share?

For example: on server ABC, I'd have a share \\DEF\SharedFiles mounted. As I can't set up any monitoring on server DEF, I'd like to use Perfmon to watch the free space available on the SharedFiles share located on server DEF.

SMB shares don't seem to appear to be reported by the LogicalDisk counters, while I don't see any counter in SMB Client Shares that could be used to report free space.

  • you could just use perfmon to remotely monitor the counters directly on the DEF server.
    – Rex
    Commented Oct 21, 2014 at 13:44
  • @Rex I have access to the share on DEF, but not to the machine itself and likely unable to access these counters remotely (must be part of the Performance Monitor Users group or have administrative privileges). Also, this would require me to know where the share is located (in case of multiple disks on server DEF)
    – DocZerø
    Commented Oct 21, 2014 at 13:57
  • If you need to monitor the space - then either work with the admin to monitor the space or ask them for the permissions to do so. Other than that, I don't think perfmon is your solution. There are other utilities that can do this however, as well as some powershell/vbscript that can be scheduled every x minutes to report on the space and notify on a specific threshold.
    – Rex
    Commented Oct 21, 2014 at 14:02

1 Answer 1


You're not going to be able to do what you want using Performance Monitor.

Traditionally, you'd do this by accessing the LogicalDisk counters on the DEF machine remotely. Since you state in your comments that you don't have access to the performance counters on the DEF machine that's a non-starter.

There is no performance counter that exposes free space on remote shares being accessed with SMB.

I think you're stuck writing a script.

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