
My server is using two SATA disk Raid 1. I test disk using dd

while [ $i -lt $MAX_LOOP ]
        dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/output bs=1G count=10

The write speed is very good about 310MB/s. But IO wait increases during test process then CPU load average also grows up. I use iotop to get the processes who make io wait. Those processes are kmirrord, jbd2/dm-5-8 and dd.

I don't know what cause of the problem. Do you have any ideas?

  • 4
    You are making the disks work as hard as possible to copy garbage, and you are surprised that other processes must wait? Dec 23, 2014 at 4:10
  • Actually, three days ago, when I rsynced data from other server to this server. Sometimes, munin system notified a warning disk latency. Total data is rsynced about 20MB. rsync job is run every minute. Dec 23, 2014 at 4:29

1 Answer 1


This is most probably because you force your disks to work as fast as they can. But it may also happen when your server is overloaded, and disk test is only adding even more load. Try to test in offline mode, with all your services turned off.

This might be also an indication of possible hard disk failure in future.

  • Thank for your time. The problem disappeared after I tuned cron job scheduler. This job run one time each hour instead of one time each minute (I hope you understand because I am not sure about English vocabulary) Jan 3, 2015 at 4:26

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