I am running a vserver environment with several virtual machines. A single VM has the following problem:
$ ping
ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted
$ ls -l $(which ping)
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 30736 2007-01-31 00:10 /bin/ping
$ whoami
$ mount
/dev/hdv1 on / type ufs (defaults)
none on /proc type proc (0)
none on /tmp type tmpfs (size=16m,mode=1777)
none on /dev/pts type devpts (gid=5,mode=620)
$ uname -a
Linux v-web1 #1 SMP Tue Apr 28 11:35:00 CEST 2015 i686 GNU/Linux
Note that on the host machine as well as on all other VM hostet there, Ping works fine.
Does anyone have any idea to help me, please?
set-uid on the other machines? Is TCP/IP correctly set up on this VM? Do other things work like DNS, traceroute, HTTP?