As the title suggests, is anyone aware of a way to monitor RESTful web services using System Center? With System Center being a Microsoft product, it is more geared toward WCF, particularly XML-based, inputs etc.

1 Answer 1


I looked into this a while back and saw some mentions of people using URLGenie MP to accomplish this (though predominantly SOAP-based APIs).


There was a discussion here about using the Web Application Monitoring template in the Authoring pane to create this. Or using the Universal Connector from the 2007 R2 Connectors: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/470094b0-1ee4-4d4e-9c65-0dd99d95a73f/scom-integration-with-restful-based-web-services?forum=operationsmanagergeneral

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