I have an OpenVPN server that authenticates against a single AD domain.

Here is my auth-ldap.conf that is used with OpenVPN

            URL             ldap://ad1.test.company:389,ldap://ad2.test.company:389
            BindDN          "CN=openvpnauth,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=company"
            Password        "A!thP123w00rd"
            Timeout         15
            TLSEnable       no
            FollowReferrals yes

            BaseDN          "DC=test,DC=company"
            SearchFilter    "(sAMAccountName=%u)"
            RequireGroup    true
                            BaseDN  "CN=Users,DC=test,DC=company"
                            SearchFilter "(cn=VPN Users)"
                            MemberAttribute "member"

So, the above authenticates users against AD and works as designed.

It searches for the user group "VPN Users" within "CN=Users,DC=test,DC=company" (the default '/Users' OU)

If the user has the proper group set VPN Users then it allows a user in!

I want to add a user to another separate OU, for example: Team1/Desktop-users/Standard users could be my new OU with users in it. I want to allow users in that OU as well as the original one.

Would this be as easy as adding another <Group> object in the config?

3 Answers 3


This worked:

   BaseDN  "DC=test,DC=company"
   SearchFilter "(cn=VPN Users)"
   MemberAttribute "member"

You can change the base DN to Domain root, like dc=domian,dc-com this will cover all the OU's in Domain and may take some more time to search the user/group

Best to use the respective OU or the parent OU to do a effective search

  • Hi, thanks for the response. So there is no way to explicitly state more than one OU to search in?
    – emmdee
    Jan 26, 2016 at 23:27

To add more groups in the config just put:

SearchFilter "(|(cn=VPN Users)(cn=other group))"

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