I tried

vagrant snapshot push
vagrant destroy
vagrant snapshot pop

But of course the VM is gone so that won't work. The problem is that if I want to debug provisioning from scratch then I don't want to nuke my whole dev setup each time. As a workaround I can redefine my Vagrant file into a multi-machine setup probably and make abuse that to get new boxes.

Is there vagrant cli way of saving and restoring my setup?

1 Answer 1


If I understand you right you need to create your own box with predefined setup. You may try package for this.

  • I suppose that could work for exporting, but then to import wouldn't I need to vagrant destroy, change config.vm.box, vagrant up, change the config.vm.box value back to revert everything? It would probably be easier to just keep a 2nd machine that doesn't autostart, call it "bootstrap" and then start and destroy it only when I want to test provisioning.
    – Kit Sunde
    Apr 18, 2016 at 19:35

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