I have copied a Datadisk from Standard Storage to a newly created Premium storage container.

However, when running

$azure vm disk show myPremiumDatadisk 

The results return: "isPremium false" , (as well as the performance has not improved.)

I have also tried to upload a vhd directly from my computer and register the disk in the premium account, so that is has not touched the standard storage, and the same thing happens..

How can I convert an existing datadisk to Premium?

I have followed this documentation to no avail:





  • Did you recreate the VM with the new disk / re-add the premium disk? Can you confirm this by checking the URI on the disk to ensure it is the premium account? What is the size of the standard disk?
    – CtrlDot
    May 9, 2016 at 3:48
  • Yes thanks - I recreated the VM using the OS disk that I also copied, and then attached (and registered) the copied datadisk. The VM is Standard DS2, the Storage container is Premium-LRS, the size of the datadisk is 30GB , and the size of the OS (Linux Centos 6.6) is 52GB .. and the URI is the premium storage.
    – leo_cape
    May 9, 2016 at 3:56
  • P.S - The VM is a classic VM not an ARM VM - could this play a part?
    – leo_cape
    May 9, 2016 at 4:06
  • Nope, the 30GB disk is probably a P10. That will only be 500 iops, same as standard. Throughput is based on disk size. What disk allocations do you have set? Read/write caching?
    – CtrlDot
    May 9, 2016 at 4:39
  • Thanks CtrlDot - What do you mean by disk allocations? As far as I understand, even if using 500 iops limited by the P10 disk, the storage should still be Premium, and with Premium that is a guarenteed 500 iops, vs the standard which is 'possible' iops, and Azure recommends that only for dev / test purposes.. Still not sure how to get the disk to display as premium
    – leo_cape
    May 9, 2016 at 6:50

1 Answer 1


Turns out this is a "bug" in the Azure side - the cli will incorrectly report "isPremium = false", but the storage is in fact isPremium. This is registered here at this github: https://github.com/Azure/azure-xplat-cli/issues/2591

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