My backup server (running Arch Linux) can be remotely powered on via its out of band power controller (HP ILO), using a simple ssh command.

Several clients will backup at the same time and each will take a different time to complete, meaning I can't simply tell the backup script to shutdown the server as it would negatively affect clients which are still working...

I would like the server however to power off (say) 10 minutes after the last backup has completed.

Is there already anything out there that does that ?

If not, my idea of an implementation would be to have each client simply keep an ssh session open with a specific user "keep_alive" for as long as they need the server up, and have the server poll every 10 minutes to see if user "keep_alive" has been logged in in the last 10 minutes and if not, to shut itself down.

I have already scripted this idea using python, but something already robust and tested would be of course far better...

  • 1
    Why don't you post the python script here so that it could be reviewed by those who have similar interest? (btw, it wasn't me who downvoted your question). May 27, 2016 at 10:00
  • @Pothi because I hope to use a standard solution instead.
    – FLBzh
    May 27, 2016 at 13:06
  • Unfortunately the downvoter left no comment...
    – FLBzh
    May 27, 2016 at 13:10


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