I am trying to work out why my .htaccess is not being considered when loading a .php file. Below files sit in the webroot of my localhost.


# Cause a HTTP 500


<html><body><h1>This should not show</h1></body></html>


<html><body><h1>This should not show</h1></body></html>

when I access /index.html, I get the expected HTTP500 When I access /index.php, the html shows.

Any ideas why the .htaccess would not load for the PHP file?

Apache 2.4.6 VHost (/etc/httpd/vhosts.d/website.local.conf):

    <VirtualHost *:443>
        ServerName website.local
        ServerAlias www.website.local

        DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/website/website
        <Directory /var/www/vhosts/website/website>
                require all granted
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride All

        # Trigger PHP-FPM to run PHP execution
        <IfModule proxy_fcgi_module>
            ProxyPassMatch "^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$" "unix:/var/www/vhosts/website/php-fpm.sock|fcgi://website/var/www/vhosts/website/website"
            DirectoryIndex index.php

        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/www/ssl/website.key
        SSLCertificateFile /var/www/ssl/website.crt


There are no other vhost configurations for this site:

[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf/*.conf | grep website.local
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/httpd/vhosts.d/*.conf | grep website.local
        ServerName website.local
        ServerAlias www.website.local
[root@localhost ~]#

Update 1:

I have enabled rewrite:trace3 loglevel following the .htaccess debug instructions from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5641618/how-to-enable-loglevel-debug-on-apache2-server. It looks like the .htaccess file is not even considered by Apache when loading a PHP file:

Accessing "/file.html" - .HTAccess is loaded and HTTP500 returned as expected

==> /var/log/httpd/website-error_log <== 
[Thu Jul 07 09:36:02.651091 2016] [core:alert] [pid 2822] [client] /var/www/vhosts/website/website/.htaccess: Invalid command 'test', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

==> /var/log/httpd/website-access_log <== - - [07/Jul/2016:09:36:02 +0100] "GET /wp-admin/ HTTP/1.1" 500 527 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0"

Accessing "file.php" - .HTAccess is not loaded and HTTP200 returned

==> /var/log/httpd/website-access_log <== - - [07/Jul/2016:09:38:41 +0100] "GET /file.php HTTP/1.1" 200 64057 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0" - - [07/Jul/2016:09:38:41 +0100] "GET /file.php?=PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 HTTP/1.1" 200 2524 "https://www.website.local/file.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0" - - [07/Jul/2016:09:38:41 +0100] "GET /file.php?=PHPE9568F35-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 HTTP/1.1" 200 2146 "https://www.website.local/file.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0"

Accessing "file.jpg" - .HTAccess is loaded and HTTP500 returned as expected

==> /var/log/httpd/website-error_log <==
[Thu Jul 07 09:43:08.403263 2016] [core:alert] [pid 2827] [client] /var/www/vhosts/website/website/.htaccess: Invalid command 'sfdgsaga', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

==> /var/log/httpd/website-access_log <== - - [07/Jul/2016:09:43:08 +0100] "GET /file.jpg HTTP/1.1" 500 527 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0"

I'm not aware of any configuration that would disallow .htaccess for specific file/mime types.. could it be a matter of in which order the modules are loaded?

Update 2: Cleaned up the vhost file above

Update 3: Problem only appears when PHP-FPM is configured Removing the below code from the configuration no longer skips the .htaccess files

<IfModule proxy_fcgi_module>
ProxyPassMatch "^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$" "unix:/var/www/vhosts/website/php-fpm.sock|fcgi://website/var/www/vhosts/website/website"
DirectoryIndex index.php

Update 4: Kudos to @w3d for pointing this out. Internally proxying the request is going to skip the .htaccess file. Of course it does. I have updated my VHost file to the below, following the answer from this thread: Apache 2.4 + PHP-FPM + ProxyPassMatch

<VirtualHost *:443>
        ServerName website.local
        ServerAlias www.website.local

        DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/website/website
        <Directory /var/www/vhosts/website/website>
require all granted
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride All


        ErrorLog "logs/website-error_log"
        CustomLog "logs/website-access_log" combined env=!forwarded
        CustomLog "logs/website-access_log" proxy env=forwarded

        # Proxy set-up as per
        # https://serverfault.com/questions/450628/apache-2-4-php-fpm-proxypassmatch
        # This is to forward all PHP to php-fpm.
        <FilesMatch \.php$>
           SetHandler "proxy:unix:/var/www/vhosts/website/php-fpm.sock|fcgi://website/"

         # Set some proxy properties (the string "unique-domain-name-string" should match
         # the one set in the FilesMatch directive.
         <Proxy fcgi://website>
           ProxySet connectiontimeout=5 timeout=240
        DirectoryIndex /index.php index.php

        # If the php file doesn't exist, disable the proxy handler.
         # This will allow .htaccess rewrite rules to work and
         # the client will see the default 404 page of Apache
         RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} \.php$
         RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/%{REQUEST_URI} !-f
         RewriteRule (.*) - [H=text/html]

        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/www/ssl/website.key
        SSLCertificateFile /var/www/ssl/website.crt

  • 1
    What does the vhost config file look like exactly? And this is Apache, which version?
    – JayMcTee
    Commented Jul 6, 2016 at 12:56
  • @JayMcTee Thank you! Updated the description with the details
    – laurent
    Commented Jul 6, 2016 at 13:47
  • Is the .php file successfully parsed by PHP? Try (temporarily) removing the entire <Directory /var/www/vhosts/website/website/wp-content/uploads> section?
    – MrWhite
    Commented Jul 13, 2016 at 17:27
  • @w3d Thanks for the tip. I tried this and it didn't help. HOWEVER I removed the section under it, i.e. the PHP-FPM configuration.
    – laurent
    Commented Jul 18, 2016 at 14:43
  • Since you have access to the server config, do you need to use .htaccess? It would seem logical that internally proxying the request is going to skip the .htaccess file.
    – MrWhite
    Commented Jul 18, 2016 at 16:51

2 Answers 2


This part of vhosts configuration is relevant when you access that website with https, you should have another instance in vhosts , can you look again and update your post?

  • The site is configured to be HTTPS only, so this is the only piece of vhost config! (Nobody will be able to connect to the site on Port 80)
    – laurent
    Commented Jul 6, 2016 at 14:59

Kudos to @w3d for pointing this out. Internally proxying the request is going to skip the .htaccess file. Of course it does. I have updated my VHost file to the below, following the answer from this thread: Apache 2.4 + PHP-FPM + ProxyPassMatch

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