
I have a mp3 file on my amazon cloud drive:

How can I make nginx proxy_pass to play this audio on chrome?

I need to get content range header, then send the content-range header to proxy server.


location /match/here.mp3 {
    proxy_pass https://content-na.drive.amazonaws.com/cdproxy/templink/uIBwvxaYbNEQFB8gUjIgu6h9RjLdu18nKGxterGfh9MFfJttb;

And the link is:

Simple when I enter this link ( on chrome the audio is not playing. How can I fix it?

  • You might need to forcibly set the correct mime type so your browser can recognise the content as audio
    – HBruijn
    Aug 14, 2016 at 10:33

1 Answer 1


Try this

location /match/here.mp3 {
    try_files @amazon;

location @amazon{
#resolver important to resolve the host,google dns
    proxy_pass https://content-na.drive.amazonaws.com/cdproxy/templink/uIBwvxaYbNEQFB8gUjIgu6h9RjLdu18nKGxterGfh9MFfJttb;

Also check the error log on nginx , maybe that can help

  • not worked. with your code I cannot reload or restart nginx Aug 1, 2016 at 18:34

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