I've encountered this issue with iperf3(version 3.1.3). iperf(2.0.5) works different. So, with iperf3 even if I specify that I want to use UDP, when I start a capture on the destination, first thing I see is TCP connection, then some UDP data and then the actual UDP datagrams for the test.

e.g. I sent 4 packets:

iperf3 -c -u -p 1813 -V -k 4

Any ideas if this can be changed to send only the UDP packets or this is by design and cannot be changed? With iperf(2.0.5) now, I see only UDP traffic as I would expect.

  • Do you capture on the 1813 port at the remote? If you use SSH to access the destination, SSH packets go over a TCP connection. Oct 13, 2016 at 19:28
  • Nope. No SSH. I have 2 VMs and I access them directly. I start the capture on the destination. There is no difference on where I run the capture.
    – vincent
    Oct 13, 2016 at 19:42


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