I'm looking for a single linux command that allows me to do the equivalent of this:
cp /some/path/file /another/path/ && ln -sf /another/path/file /some/path/
If there isn't one, what's the best way to do this for a bunch of files?
A small note, is that you could use ln both times to make the command not actually move the data (assuming both paths are on the same filesystem).
ln /some/path/file /another/path/ && ln -sf /another/path/file /some/path/
But I assume that you want to move the content of /some/path/ to an other disk, and then create links to the new files so "no one" notices.
for f in `ls /some/path/`; do ln /some/path/$f /another/path/ && ln -sf /another/path/$f /some/path; done
Wrapping it in a bash function:
function cpln {
for f in `ls $1`
ln $1/$f $2 && ln -sf $2/$f $1
Theres my script you could use (takes two parameters /some/path/file and /another/path/ ):
cp $1 $2
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
echo "Some error"
exit 1
ln -sf $2/${1##*/} ${1%/*}
Seriously, I thought this was a really easy question.
Here's what I can do in perl:
# Usage: cpln TARGETDIR SOURCE...
# Example: find tree/ -type f | xargs cpln commands/
$target = shift;
foreach(@ARGV) {
system("cp $_ $target");
system("ln -sf $target/$2 $1/");
I was hoping for something more elegant, but I guess I'll use that.
. As written, the line does check the return value of cp and only runs the second part if it succeeded.