We have a postgres DB running on Centos7. There is a lot of data in it. Now we made an edit to our iptables-script and we've rexecuted it.

Do we need to restart our postgres-service after the run of rerun of the iptables-script (firewall)?

1 Answer 1


No, with a caveat. If you've changed anything to ESTABLISHED packets, your existing connections might behave differently. But, it's unlikely you did. Just see if you can still connect to it.

A little background: network packets always go through the chains you see when you do iptables -L; service don't have register themselves to the firewall, or anything like it.

  • +1 from me. Just a note also that you can test connection either with a postgresql client, or simple telnet to the server ip/FQDN and port.
    – MadHatter
    Dec 1, 2016 at 13:21

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