I want to play around with puppet, so I set up a small test environment, consisting of 4 VMs
- pfSense: Router
- Windows Server 2012 R2: DNS, DHCP
- Ubuntu Server 16.04: Puppetmaster
- Ubuntu Server 16.04: Puppet agent
DNS is set up correctly, it answers all forward- and reverse lookups correctly.
Here is the set of command I executed on both of the ubuntu vms (base configuration)
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
sudo apt-get install -y vim openssh-server ntp
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
vi /etc/hostname (set to puppet / puppetclient)
sudo reboot now
wget https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-pc1-xenial.deb
sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-pc1-xenial.deb
sudo apt-get update
And then on the master:
sudo apt-get -y install puppetserver
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running enable=true
sudo service puppetserver restart
The puppetserver-service is running nicely (after assignign 6GB of RAM to the VM ;))
On the client:
sudo apt-get install puppet-agent
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet resource service puppet ensure=running enable=true
On the client, I then do a:
puppet agent --server puppet.puppet.intra --waitforcert 60 --test
This is answered by
Error: Could not request certificate: The CSR retrieved from the master does not match the agent's public key.
CSR fingerprint: 82:F5:08:CC:98:8A:D1:8F:EC:3D:B0:F7:5B:EB:43:FC:FC:0D:95:30:E8:6F:7F:81:9E:1B:02:CB:A4:01:0E:50
CSR public key: Public-Key: (4096 bit)
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
Agent public key: Public-Key: (4096 bit)
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
To fix this, remove the CSR from both the master and the agent and then start a puppet run, which will automatically regenerate a CSR.
On the master:
puppet cert clean puppetclient.puppet.intra
On the agent:
1a. On most platforms: find /home/administrator/.puppetlabs/etc/puppet/ssl -name puppetclient.puppet.intra.pem -delete
1b. On Windows: del "\home\administrator\.puppetlabs\etc\puppet\ssl\certs\puppetclient.puppet.intra.pem" /f
2. puppet agent -t
Of course, I executed the proposed troubleshooting steps, without result. I further checked:
- I can open port 8140 on the server
- the time settings to match
- both machines have the correct hostname set and are resolved by the dns correctly
What am I doing wrong?
Regards, Christian
I just realized something: It seems like the problem only occurs when I try to run puppet as a different user than I installed it with. I wanted to run puppet agent -t as root with sudo on an OS X client and got the error message described earlier. When I run puppet as the user I installed it with, the error doesn't occur. How can I fix this?