Newbie here, please let me know if I can add any more details or if I'm missing something entirely obvious.
I got my site up and running on an EC2 and I was able to view it with the public DNS.
I pointed my domain to the instance using this guide. I created an elastic IP for the instance, I created four NS records and two A-name record (www, non-www) using route53. I passed these NS records to my domain provider.
The domain appears to have propagated - when I go to the URL, I get redirected to a very old (two restarts ago) public instance DNS address instead of the new one with the elastic IP. I CAN SSH in to the instance using the new domain name but I can't access it from the browser. I checked my security groups, and HTTP/80
is set to allow all traffic.
I tried accessing the EIP directly (redirect), pinging the EIP (time out), accessing the Public DNS directly, pinging the Public DNS, I tried stopping and starting the instance and repeating all previous steps, and I checked that port 80 is open in the security group, but the domain still redirects me to an old public DNS.
Chrome gives me the error ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
in the browser after I (301) redirected to the old URL.
Not sure where to go from here.
database if you're not sure.