Using CoreOS 1353.4.0, on DigitalOcean, how should I write an Ignition config for a machine that is to join an etcd cluster with dynamic discovery?

I've written the following Ignition config (basically in keeping with this guide), but there seems to be problems with it as I cannot SSH into machines configured with it, nor can I ping them:

  advertise_client_urls: http://{PRIVATE_IPV4}:2379
  discovery: https://discovery.etcd.io/715ba22c9924d4edd7aa674eeefddf87
  initial_advertise_peer_urls: http://{PRIVATE_IPV4}:2380
  listen_peer_urls: http://{PRIVATE_IPV4}:2380
  name: '{HOSTNAME}'

This configuration file is turned into native Ignition syntax by executing the CoreOS configuration transpiler: ct -in-file config.yaml -out-file config.ign -platform digitalocean.

I suspect the configuration is to blame, as there are some warnings during the machines' bootup. Droplet created without any config function fine, meaning I can ping and SSH into them.

1 Answer 1


Turns out this actually works well. I was simply making a mistake when posting the config to the DigitalOcean API that caused the syntax to become invalid.

  • Can you elaborate on the mistake? I'm coming up with the same error. May 16, 2018 at 21:04
  • @BelminFernandez Can't remember at this stage, sorry :/
    – aknuds1
    May 17, 2018 at 8:31

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