I'm newbie to AD,
I'm trying to join an AD server, using an App and an LDAP client (Apache Directory studio) but I can't, I remarked that, from my server I can ping the AD domain, but from my local machine I can't.
so my question is does a machine need to be in the same domain as the server to connect to it ? thank you in advance.

1 Answer 1


Assuming you mean "connect to an AD's LDAP service" if you say "join an AD server" (joining an AD domain is something very different): No,you just need to be allowed to connect to the server, which can (and often is) prevented by firewall rules and the like for everything outside the AD network.

  • I don't know what is the difference between "connect" and "join", what I want is that a user that use my application deployed in an app server running in a machine 'A' could be authenticated based on it's credential existed in AD (the machine 'A' in the AD server are have different domain)
    – aName
    May 12, 2017 at 13:49

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