I am new to working with IDS' such as Suricata/Snort. I am currently trying to using Suricata to log DNS requests and responses to malicious domains on my network. On my DNS server I made it so that any request to say, bad.com
, would resolve to
, thus not allowing anybody on my network to access that site.
I have set up Suricata to log all DNS requests, but how do I filter that down and narrow it and tell it to only log requests to
and let everything else go unlogged?
I tried to create a rule:
alert dns any any -> any (msg: "BLACKLISTED WEBSITE"; flow:to_client; content:"rrname";sid:2240001;rev:1;)
But that did not work.
What do I need to do to only log DNS requests to certain IPs? I cannot find any information in the documentation or anywhere else on the internet.