I read up a bit on this error and i'm still not sure why i'm getting it when trying to run $a = Get-VMSystemSwitchExtensionPortFeature -FeatureId 776e0ba7-94a1-41c8-8f28-951f524251b5

I have virtualization enabled and in BIOS and Hyper-V platform and tools enabled in windows features.

Also tried using MOFCOMP %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsVirtualization.V2.mof to rebuild.

And i ran as admin.

Any other suggestions?

2 Answers 2


Removing the Hyper-V Role (and all dependencies), rebooting the host and installing the role once again usually helps with such kind of issues.


Hyper-V VMM service fails and Event ID 14050 is logged when dynamicportrange is changed. Resolved running the script from Microsoft:


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