I'm small company owner, currently managing about 15 Debian based boxes, providing VoIP and hosted PBX services
Company is growing, I have less time to manage all of that machines
I'd like to hire system administrator, but I have a strong fear of giving root access to the stranger.
Many things could go wrong, he can make mistakes, he can install backdoors. It's not about broken system. Mis-managed VoIP server could lead to significant loss due tool fraud, premium number calls and so on. Loss can go in millions.
I have read posts stating that I must have level of trust, and if someone will make damage, than I can sue him. But that's not the case for SMB. In such situation my company will bankrupt before first court session.
Before down-voting - This problem is for sure not new or unique, but I haven't found on serverfalut information that is recent, can be applied to Debian servers and relies on software with licence costs that my small business can afford. So currently I see no duplicate thread.
No-root access is probably not going to be productive, I can't imagine resolving any serious system problems without root. Maybe I'm wrong?
What strategies can be used in this situation? Is there any software that could help?