I have a Pacemaker setup with two STONITH resources. They have location constraints that crm configure show lists as follows:

location loc_stonith_node1 stonith_node1 rule -inf: #id eq node1
location loc_stonith_node2 stonith_node2 rule -inf: #id eq node2

Yet crm status indicates that both resources are started on node2:

stonith_node1   (stonith:external/ipmi):    Started node2
stonith_node2   (stonith:external/ipmi):    Started node2

This situation even persists if I crm resource stop and then crm resource start both resources. What could explain that the location constraints are apparently not obeyed?

UPDATE If I crm resource migrate stonith_node2 node1, the resource starts on node1, but if I then crm resource unmigrate stonith_node2 it immediately bounces back to node2.

  • Please add the complete config, omit sensitive details, if needed.
    – gxx
    Oct 10, 2017 at 14:41
  • 1
    @gf_ I guess by now the problem is that #id refers to node ids such as 1, whereas #uname refers to node names (host names) such as node1. I'll try whether switching to #uname makes a difference and will then report back.
    – rookie09
    Oct 10, 2017 at 14:48

1 Answer 1


I've overcome the problem by switching to another syntactic form for the location contraints that requires neither references to #id nor #uname:

location loc_stonith_node1 stonith_node1 -inf: node1
location loc_stonith_node2 stonith_node2 -inf: node2

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