As I've recently bought some extra disks to store my VM disks redundantly, hoping for some increased read performance and redundancy in case drives fail, I started building a RAID array.

I've currently created an RAID1 array with 2 disks (I intend to add a 3rd disk to the array). On top of the RAID, I've created a LVM PV. Now, when I want to manage my drives with gparted, it tells me that one of the RAID-used partitions is Ext4 instead of linux-raid.

enter image description here

The part that confuses me is that I have a RAID0 array with 2 other disks which shows linux-raid as type for the RAID-used partitions. And I have a RAID10 array with only 2 partitions (I know it's basically RAID1 but I realized only afterwards I won't have enough disks to have benefits from it, so I'm actually migrating away) which also properly shows linux-raid as the type for the 2 RAID-used partitions.

GParted does show correctly on another disk

My question basically is, how can I fix this. While in the end it's not a big threat as I will rarely be using gparted, an annoying thing is that it has a warning about the ext4 system since it's considered broken.

Some extra information. /dev/sdc was previously used as whole-disk LVM. All partitions were made using parted on the server using mkpart and default type (which was ext2)

1 Answer 1


Assuming you are in a position to re-create the RAID and restore any data you require, then you might try using the Partition -> Format to -> Cleared menu option in GParted to wipe out all metadata signatures within the partition.

WARNING: Be sure to have a backup of all your data first, as this will effectively remove access to the data on the partition / drive.

  • Ha, I didn't think of that, I can certainly rebuild the RAID array as I have 2 copies on other drives. I'll try that. Commented Oct 21, 2017 at 20:47

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